Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Mandatory Reading For All Corporate Executives BEFORE They Can Say "We Should Have AI..."

It took me an insane amount of time to log in to this motherfucking garbage blogging tool just to post a quick link to this fantastic article about the stupidity that is the so-called "AI" fad currently poisoning everything. I will not put further effort into this other than to command you to read this article, and then read it to your friends, coworkers, acquaintances, etc., especially if they're even remotely tech-adjacent and/or in management somewhere:

Monday, June 28, 2021

The Computer Industry is Full of INSANE PEOPLE

I hate blogger. It’s one of the worst interfaces ever. My personal blog, on my own website, uses Wordpress.

Guess what?

WordPress is absolute fucking garbage.

I hadn’t written a blog post with it since 2019. Almost exactly two years ago was the last time I bothered yelling into the void that is blogging. Today, I tried to write a new post. I was feeling lonely and semi-inspired to write prose of some kind... But then WordPress’ new editor happened to me.

BLOCKS? Are you fucking kidding me with this fucking insane BULLSHIT? How hard is it for you motherfuckers to understand the concept of TEXT EDITING?

I am almost entirely at a loss for words. What I got is incoherent rage and ... and... this:


I looked this up on DDG and saw I’m not remotely the only person disgusted by this nonsense. A quick read of an article showed me the “classic editor” plugin... which 5 million+ people have installed. BECAUSE BLOCKS IS BULLSHIT, MOTHERFUCKERS.

Apple decided to ignore usability in design, back with the release of iOS 7. They haven’t improved much of anything since, and made everything more complex since. WordPress, on the other hand, somehow worked out how to SHOOT USABILITY IN THE BACK OF THE FUCKING HEAD and then parade it like an advancement. FUCKING FUCK THE MOTHERFUCKING FUCK OFF WITH THAT MOTHERFUCKING SHIT, YOU MOTHERFUCKING MOTHERFUCKERS.

On a scale of 1 to 100, I have NEGATIVE 10,000,000 units of patience left with this fucking illogical, inhuman, ignorant, and ludicrous industry. NOTHING works correctly. MOST things aren’t even designed sensibly.


Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Apple’s 2019 Mac Pro Is For The 1% Only

Open Letter to Apple executives:

I’ve been waiting almost ten years for Apple to produce a Mac workstation that doesn’t suffer from irrationally compact design & thermal issues. It was with great excitement that I watched the announcement of the 2019 Mac Pro & Pro display... only to be left with Apple’s middle finger in my face when the pricing was announced. The BASE model pricing starts in crazyland.
Sorry, Tim, but I’m not part of your wealthy 1% segment. I don’t run a big business or work for Pixar. There’s no way I’ll ever own this new machine. The apologists on Apple forums say “if you can’t afford it, then it’s not for you”. Well, then: where IS the workstation for the rest of us??
Apple’s other Macs are unacceptable for constant heavy workloads (don’t even get me started on the ridiculous “iMac Pro”), and many of us cannot justify spending money repeatedly on disposable computers (not to mention the environmental impact of such a business model).
The Mac Pro used to start at $2500. Then it started at $3000. Your latest Mac Pro has jumped up to a starting price that’s TWICE the prior amount, for a BASE model. This is a ludicrous business decision, considering there is no other pricing/feature tier for this new equipment. These products are clearly aimed only at the 1%. They should be priced to sell more machines in a wider prosumer/workstation market; not priced insanely high to make up for lower sales in the most narrow of all possible workstation markets.
In the past, I was willing to save longer and spend more just to buy Apple’s superior products, but the current product offerings are now egregiously expensive across the board (from iPhone to Mac). I’ve already had a Macbook Pro die due to bad thermal design. I cannot afford to buy a new disposable Mac every three years. I’ve been saving tax rebates since 2010, planning to buy a longer-lived Mac tower/workstation for music & digital art (hoping to find a way to make an income on art, as I struggle in poverty, on disability). I don’t even have HALF of what I’d need to buy your $12,000 workstation at its BASE configuration.
I abandoned your competitors back in 2009 because Apple’s products were clearly superior. With the current piles of iOS bugs, planned-obsolescence, and pathological obsession with thin design, Apple’s products are now merely “less bad”. I hate PCs & Windows (a lifetime as a tech person shows that they make me miserable), so I guess my only option now is to just stop using computers entirely after my [stop-gap, second-hand] iMac dies.
Apple kicked the computer industry’s lazy ass from 2007 to 2012, making excellent products and reliable software for almost everyone. That Apple seems long gone. Today’s Apple has become a caricature of itself, justifying all the “luxury products for rich people” memes thrown at the company.

Friday, May 17, 2019

You don’t own your [smart] TV

You don’t own your [smart] TV. Why?

Smart TVs Are Dumb
Earlier this month, Vizio’s chief technology officer, Bill Baxter, told The Verge that the reason his company can sell TVs so cheaply now is that it makes up the money by selling bits of data and access to your TV after you purchase it. Baxter called this “post-purchase monetization.” 
“This is a cutthroat industry,” he said. “It’s a 6-percent-margin industry, right? … The greater strategy is I really don’t need to make money off of the TV.” 
This is why your TV was so cheap. But it also changes the relationship the TV makers have with their customers. Consumers are no longer their sole revenue stream, but one among several. CBS and Netflix are more important to their business success than you are.
I have nothing more to add to this article in commentary... Well, other than the fact that I’ve been telling people, for years, about what the computer industry has been doing to every other industry where computers and software have been introduced into products to add marginal consumer utility. EULAs are consumer abuse. Data-mining and consumers-as-cattle, to be sold to advertisers and other entities, is abuse. The current government loves this laissez-faire free-for-all ideology of capitalism. The democrats are just as owned by corporate America, too, so don’t expect that anything will improve just by voting for the other duopoly party.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Advertising Industry Still Not Getting the Message

Because of intrusive advertising on websites, a tool called the “ad blocker” was invented. MANY ad blockers exist. It is a VERY popular tool which can make the internet somewhat TOLERABLE again (but only somewhat).

And then there’s this shit:

Intrusive begging to turn off ad blockers are the response to blocking intrusive advertising.

It’s not just that websites are begging us, and criticizing us, for daring to attempt to claw back some sense of control over our web experience. There is a cottage industry of web tools designed to be sold to and plugged into these websites to do this intrusive nagging (and you who market these tools: you’re a very special kind of scum; like the inventors of pyramid schemes, or high level Activision executives).

Look at that oh so cute artwork. Bored Panda sees itself being starved by the weird demon creature (your ad blocker; but really: YOU)  gobbling up their ... what? Food? No, their ad revenue. They’re telling you that you the user are a selfish, piggish monster, stealing from this poor, starving, cute, harmless, scrappy little website. Look at that piggy nose and that tiny panda unable to fend for itself...

That’s not how I’m reading it. I read it as this rude, obnoxious demon called “a paid surrogate for advertising” slobbing its way, unwelcome, into my web experience.

It would be one thing if Bored Panda had truly great, original, content. It doesn’t. Most of what is posted there is culled from existing stories around the web, re-spun with bad formatting and nary a proofread, and (weirdly) quite a lot of anti-vegan hit pieces. Seriously, what is their problem with vegans? Are vegans the last acceptable target for mockery when you’re struggling to be progressive and inclusive? Is it some kind of pressure-release valve for the bigotry they’re suppressing?

Dear websites living on advertising: This is your own goddamned fault. We’ve told you this before. We turn off our blockers and you literally serve up a steaming pile of malware ads.

Now, you’re even telling people off for wanting privacy.

Advertizing is on every goddamned surface and it’s never enough. Online stores who’s primary business is to SELL THEIR GOODS have third-party advertizing on their sites (Amazon, NewEgg, etc). Even subscription services are still serving up ads (are you enjoying paying to watch commercials on Hulu?).

Any revenue losses you’re seeing are YOUR OWN FUCKING FAULTS. Don’t point the finger at the people who’ve decided to rebel against you. If you want to make money selling online content, create a truly ad-free experience for subscribers only (instead of double dipping like most of you will do, “because capitalism”).

No, I will NOT turn off my ad blocker.

Wall Street is Gleefully Destroying American Economics...

... but if you’re wealthy (or a temporarily-embarrassed millionaire ... often a Libertarian), you don’t give a shit. Your kind believes in the myths and the religion that is laissez-faire, utterly uncontrolled, compulsory capitalism. The rest of you are the choir. So this content basically will do nothing at all.

For anyone who gives the slightest of fucks, here’s just one industry that is gleefully wrecking lives just so its billionaire executives and “investors” can continue their sociopathic quest to have ALL the money (and you can bet it’s part of the computer industry if it’s posted on this blog):

Because someone needs to point this shit out. Repeatedly. Loudly. Thank goodness for Jim fucking Sterling, son.

Amazon Sells Fake Products That Can Harm Your Computer

There are multiple products being sold through Amazon described as a “FireWire Female to USB Male adapter”, or “USB 2.0 to FireWire adapter”, etc.


FireWire and USB are entirely different buses with entirely different data and electrical formats. You cannot just make a plug to push one into the other. An item like this can damage the FireWire and USB electronics on equipment interconnected by these so-called adapters! And, looking at the reviews posted by the unfortunate scammed customers, this has already happened to people! <— this one is actually fulfilled by Amazon.

...and more...

Actual customer reviews indicate (in the tens to hundreds of reports) that these don’t work. Of course they don’t. They can’t possibly work. Some customers are informed enough to realize these are garbage items. The positive reviews are a mix of people who blame themselves or their devices for the product’s failure (because we have a culture that makes non-tech people feel stupid and ignorant, which is how the computer industry insulates itself from accountability), and obvious fake reviews. By the way: Amazon has no system to deal with fake reviews. “Verified customer” can be bypassed by sending gift codes to people in the cottage industry of review sellers (this exists).

Yes, Amazon have been informed. They have a track record in regard to counterfeit products which is... unimpressive. No doubt, due to the fact that you can indeed conduct electricity between the two ends of this “adapter”, they will conclude it is not “fake”. Bravo, Chinese scammers.

Are you irritated by my “click bait” headline? It’s really not clickbait. Those are fake products. Yeah, the Amazon “marketplace” sellers are selling and fulfilling many of these items (not all; see above), but what’s the difference to consumers? When you go to (NOT to buy something, and you’re not a savvy & experienced web denizen, and you buy scam and/or counterfeit products, the subtle difference in seller details is meaningless to you.

It’s not like we need more examples of why laissez-faire capitalism is horrible, but here you go; yet another one. We need regulation. More importantly: We need regulation to actually be fucking enforced. If you’re one of those “tax is theft” and “regulation is bad” libertarians, you really need to grow up. Meet reality; it’s a lot different from your theories.