Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Photoshop Owns Me

[this is the rant that inspired this blog's existence...]

It's amazing how one tool's methods can become a dominant paradigm in "how to" for everything i want to do. i think Photoshop is pretty logical, but surely there is an amount of "i'm just used to it" going on. i'll be generous to assume that there could be alternate ways of doing some concepts we're familiar with in Photoshop (how to manage layers & selections, etc). Some things are OS-dependent, like cut/copy/paste (& it really gets up my nostrils when apps do not obey OS conventions for stuff like that).

So... i've been watching training videos about Lightwave & ZBrush... Every tool, or manipulation of a tool, that has any analog to something in Photoshop gets judged by me as either being "sensible" or "stupid" (or, in ZBrush's case, as stated by a person on a forum: "created by crackheads").

This is where user customizations can be very helpful. Ideally. If you KNOW the tool already, yes, go for it. Customize it to suite YOU. If you're learning the tool for the first time, forget about customizing. You have to get through the learning curve all the way before you can start taking charge of the UI. Tutorials & documentation are based on factory defaults. This means that customization means nothing to new users of a tool. It's a tease.

There is a concept i really like among some DAWs. The idea is that the creators have realized a user might have become very used to working with one brand but would like to move to another. For example: you may want to move from Cubase to Sonar. Sonar's keyboard shortcut configuration lets you do "sets." Theoretically, you just choose the "Cubase Set" & any common function between Cubase & Sonar is mapped to keys you're already used to. Ok, that's sensible. Some software even goes as far as creating color sets with similar intent. Nice.

Sadly, very few product makers consider this concept. They want you to use THEIR tool, only & forever. You're to learn THEIR methods, or nothing. What's worse are the complex concepts. Sure, you can map keys easily enough to similar commands, but what if you need to work with something like content selection or layers?

In image editors, Photoshop has definitely dominated the landscape. If you can deal with layers & selection in Photoshop, you can pretty much walk right into Painter or Paint Shop Pro without much ass-scratching. i even remember when Painter was changed so that the layers feature (the way the GUI looked & behaved) was specifically changed to be like Photoshop. Before that, Fractal Design did the same thing to make Painter's selection tools work like Photoshop. It was smart because the two programs are highly complimentary & co-exist very well in an artist's workflow. It's sensible to make them behave similarly. But, again, the developers have to give a shit about users in this way. Painter's creators were motivated by market share & expansion of user base. What if a product maker has no care in the world? What if they have had their own way of implementing a pretty common tool in a pretty unique way for the last ten years? They can either change or ... not change.

Software that started as non-Windows or non-MacOS software is pretty bad in this regard (same with Linux-land but it's even worse there & i wont talk about it here because you're probably already wondering why you're reading this). Before there were established norms on how to do things with predefined GUI elements, people made their own methods & systems. These programs were eventually adapted to work in standardized windowing GUI environments like Window or Mac OS (or they died out). Some of them literally redesigned their GUI to use the new environment to its best native advantages. Others... like Lightwave... stayed exactly the same damn way as always because they felt their methods were efficient & sensible.

They might be sensible ways... or might have been... back before GUI design was largely standardized. Back before computer users became accustomed to a set of common conventions. Things like Lightwave continue to rely on extremely heavy keyboard shortcut memorization. Its environment (windows, controls, objects, etc) are still rather non-visual, especially in workflow. They haven't adapted to the new windowing GUI concepts. These concepts aren't even "new" any more. Yet, they're still being ignored as being "cluttery" & "just eye candy." The reality is somewhere in between extreme viewpoints.
Then there are things that are developed with entirely custom GUIs any way, despite always having been inside a windowing GUI OS. The idea is: "If we create our OWN GUI environment, we don't have to do anything differently to have this program on Windows & MacOS." Ideally. Ok. Once again, i turn to Photoshop as the sanity example. Photoshop has always used as much of the OS's appearance & behaviors as possible, even though the GUI is custom. It has tended to use the "best of breed" concepts when Windows & Mac OS differed (sometimes giving more credit to "the Mac way" as that was the first OS Photoshop appeared on). Photoshop LOOKS & BEHAVES like you expect most programs to look & behave. From program to program, things are very standardized, on the OS of your choice (that huge choice between two). It's cross platform AND it's familiar to you, regardless of that OS choice (but not in SPITE of it, like Carrara). Smart. There are plenty of examples of this. Sadly, in the graphics world, there are plenty of examples of criminal behavior in this regard.

Carrara. Lightwave. ZBrush. To name a few recent mindfucks.

Lightwave at least can blame its birth on the Amiga as an excuse. A thin one excuse, but it at least has its reasoning. Carrara is just a reinvention of the GUI wheel for the sake of arrogance (i can't really find a justification for it to look & behave any differently from the OS API other than the simple desire to make it stand out & be "pretty" in their own "unique" ways). ZBrush... Also no such excuse.
ZBrush wasn't even cross-platform at first. Windows-only. Some of the choices were to make it quick to use with a stylus (instead of a mouse), but it really boils down to the fact that the original developer created something for himself, reinventing the wheel whenever he added something to it that was kind of expected in graphics apps (like layers & selection tools), but he did it to service HIS way of working. You can see how he was probably not at all accustomed to Photoshop & its brethren when he started down this path... or he chose to spite them. Afterward, probably accidentally, ZBrush stumbled onto marketability... then years of new, added-on, development. All the while never changing those "unique" methods that are so contrary to what users from most other graphics apps are used to. Hell, it wasn't even a 3D tool; it was a "unique, 2.5D" painting app (3D was shoehorned onto it, yet that's become ZBrush's primary function  -the evolution & original focus shows badly in the overall product design).

This is "crackhead" software design. i didn't coin it, but it's fun, so i'm sticking with it.

Lightwave is being rebuilt by NewTek so that it steps into a modern GUI world. Rough task, since they have to attract new users in the world of 3D which is quickly passing them by... AND retain their hard-core, loyal, rabid fan base of existing users who are quite used to the current design. No longer will it be two separate programs (Modeler & Layout). It'll have modern ideas on how to implement tool functions... etc. It's got a shiny new marketing name called "CORE" (yes, all capital letters because that's somehow cool). The problem is, they've been at this for years & it's still not even feature complete for a first version, let alone a BETA. But, they sold it to the hard core users any way. Yeah, CORE is aptly named. People got in on some crazy subscription-like service... "buy-in now & get access to advanced builds, etc..." blah.  Fuck that. i'll never see it. It'll take forever to be released & its first official release will lack probably 50% of the functionality of current Lightwave. They're planning to sell Lightwave in two forms concurrently for some time because of this transitional period: CORE & Classic. i wont be getting it because i'm busted ass broke.

That means i'm having to learn, all over again, many concepts that i have become so used to: layers, selection tools... just to learn Lightwave. These ideas should cross-polinate. There should be a shallower learning curve. Nope. It's all "unique." i have to do this TWICE, in different ways, for i'm also trying to learn ZBrush. Without very specific projects, goals & handholding (short of forums, i have no people to talk to), i'm pretty much floundering, flailing, stumbling & cussing my ass off. And creating blogs to rant on.

It's not that Adobe is god or made "THE ONLY RIGHT CHOICES;" they've simply made a lot of effective/good choices which have been adopted by the majority of other developers as a "standard" way of doing things.

Oh yeah... since i'm talking about 3D tools... we have to rant about the "crackheaded" 3D tool of all crackheaded 3D tools: Blender. Not only is it off on "planet independent arrogant asshole" in its core design, it's open source freeware, originally created on Unix/Linux. It's feature-rich, but clumsy, ugly & so independently-minded that you have to re-learn everything you may have learned in other software (except for basic concepts common to all 3D tools such as "this is a vertex, this is a polygon, this is a bump map...") AND you have to deal with the fact that it was ported from a GUI-insane OS to two other OSes that are standardized. Like Carrara & ZBrush, there's NOTHING native in the GUI of Blender on ANY OS. This is largely because a Unix barely HAS a GUI to begin with. Every *nix app with a GUI historically had to create its own API. The X Window System isn't really a GUI. X sits on top of *nix the way Windows used to sit on DOS. Then, on top of X sits the desktop environment, which, among providing a file system browser, provides a common API for applications. It's utter insanity in the *nix world, no matter how many zealots tell you otherwise. But i said i'd not talk about that.

So Blender developers finally decided to do something about the ugliness & insanity... they rebuilt the GUI in version 2.5. i tried it. Hey, there's better usage of screen space, it's more readable, there are meaningful (& nice) icons (NewTek fanboys like to claim that Lightwave's more efficient than the competition because it's not "cluttered with icons..." no, instead you have to memorize hundreds of text commands & keyboard shortcuts that you cannot discover on a perusal of the GUI). So, Blender's becoming easy to look at & very customizable... BUT, in standard Linux open-source mentality, it goes too far with customization. The ways of operating the customizing controls are inconsistent with ANYTHING else (drag & drop is about as much commonality as they maintain). Forget anything Painter, Adobe or the DAWs taught you. In Blender, you don't have tabs & palettes. You have movable views and panels that are controlled by tiny handles that look like resize handles (but aren't). It's too easy to accidentally tear a palette or window off into an unwanted duplicate or scroll or resize it (yeah, you can scroll or size a panel in useless ways - it's up to YOU the user to make sure you don't drag too far & there's no automatic adjustment to ensure the minimum space is used to view all the controls without them being clipped).
So, it's prettier & more ... approachable... until you get to MOUSE controls. It seems they touched nothing here. Overhauling & making things more user-friendly in Linux-land = prettying surface features but not re-thinking much of the core ideology. Do it original. Don't mimic established norms. Except for when you do (Linux is a varied land of not-quite-carbon-copying of everything, including competing or mutually exclusive concepts... a nightmare mishmash of every graphical OS ever made... the bigger names have made huge inroads on cleaning this up but it requires you to keep yourself isolated to software that uses a particular desktop API). It's amazing how many developers STILL seem to misunderstand what "primary" & "secondary" mouse buttons really mean & mix of the common action with the uncommon control. Oh, & my favorite: the activation of a control on the mouse_down event instead of the mouse_up event (important if you've discovered yourself stopping an accidental control click half way through by dragging off of the control before you let go of the mouse button).

Just in case you're willing to learn this new tool because of how free it is, you should know that the developers have cleverly removed the radiosity lighting model from the new version of Blender (apparently so they could "re-factor" the surfacing & lighting features' code). It's a back-step. Back to convoluted, non-realworld workarounds & faking.


i'm finding that i want Adobe to start up a side business that actually has value (instead of all the pseudo useful sidetracks of webby content library/modification/sharing/marketing tools stuck into their product lineup): Making crackhead software act like "industry standard" software. They could make billions for companies who's crackheaded GUIs keep new customers beyond arm's length...
Ok. i'm done. This has been my distraction from the maddening process of learning another tool i don't know if i'll ever really use (mostly because i can't seem to get past the hurdles of learning it WHILE running into bugs & totally unintuitive technical geekoid bullshit required to mimic reality with insane simulations & a bajillion numerical settings on physics concepts no artist gives a rats fucking asshole about). As such, it's opinionated & maybe somewhat factually inaccurate. If you post comments taking me to task on how wrong i am about how right your tool or OS is, take note i might utterly ignore you.

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